Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Woodland Hills Christian Church team arrives in the DR!

Here are a few pics from the first day - it has been a great trip so far!

Touring the new computer lab at the school ...

Roger learning how to bend rebar that will be used in the construction of the Central Church in Hoya del Caimito ...

The group on a stop up the mountain as we travelled to see the school, church, and ministry center in Palo Alto where Amaury's father is the pastor ...

Neil handing out presents to the students in the school in Palo Alto - matchbox cars for the boys and the stuffed turtles from the VBS students to the girls ... :)

Thank you for your prayers! Please be praying for us tomorrow as we will be beginning to build the sets for the Drama Camp and visiting a nutrition center and school in an area called La Mosca, which is an active city garbage dump where hundreds of people live in abject poverty, where a GO sponsored pastor is working to bring God's light and love to people surrenounded by darkness. See the La Mosca video that is linked on this blog to see a short video and find out more about the area.
Hasta manana! See you tomorrow!

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