Monday, June 06, 2011

“Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

Ever since members of the Fern Creek Christian Church Youth Group came here in the first week of April on a mission trip to provide a Drama Camp in Villa Gonzalez, I have planned on writing a blog update that began with this verse about them and their time here. Then, last Friday, during the graduation ceremony for the Santiago Christian School Class of 2011, the seniors were recognizing their teachers and chose this verse to beautifully conclude that very special part of the ceremony!

At that moment, my mind went immediately to the group from Fern Creek, how special our time had been with them, and how much I wanted to get the blog updated … and then I could not help but think of the last two months with the youth in our Drama Group and with my seniors. God has certainly given us many opportunities to “train up a child in the way he should go” …

Personally, I was very excited about the group from Fern Creek coming, since several of the youth who were coming had been members of the Kidz Choir at the church when I had been the assistant director, nearly 10 years ago! They are pictured here to the left - all grown up! I had no idea back then that I would be here in the DR now with the opportunity to work side by side with them as missionaries. Being able to spend time with them, talking about future plans, hearing them share their faith, and watching them teach and reach out to others as Christ’s hands and feet in the community of Villa Gonzalez was an incredible blessing that I do not have the words to fully express! I get choked up now just thinking about them and their time here! I also did not realize how much I missed being called “Miss Cathy”!

Here are some pictures from their week here:

On our last bus ride to the airport, I shared with the group that I could see how their parents and youth leaders had clearly “trained them up in the way they should go” and their actions and attitudes throughout the week had shown they were not “departing from it” – what a blessing to see and experience!

When the group left, there was an emptiness in our hearts and our home, and we hope many of them will be able to return!

Time seemed to pass too quickly from mid-April through the end of May, and before we knew it our Drama Group had presented La Elección on May 20 at the Cultural Center in Santiago, and the SCS school year ended!

La Elección (The Choice) is a retelling of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, and in this version, the night before Tybalt, Mercutio, and Romeo fight, which is the turning point of the play, Tybalt gets attacked by a gang of thugs and Benvolio comes to his aid, just as the Good Samaritan came to the aid of the man attacked on the roadside in Luke 10:30-37. The play’s message is given by the Friar when he explains, “para sanar o dañar, la elección es nuestra para hacer, de la vida y la muerte hay mucho en juego,” which means, “To heal or harm the choice is ours to make, of life and death there’s much that is at stake.” The play as a whole shows that when we follow God’s word in our lives, everything changes for the better! Below are some pictures from the presentation:

We had a record attendance of nearly 170 at the performance, and everyone did a great job! They get better with every performance! As one of our newest members of the group said about the play in his “bio” for the play program, “cuando uno tiene el amor de Cristo, lo que uno quiere para uno lo quiere para otros,” which means, “when someone has the love of Christ, what he wants for himself he wants for others.” We could not say it better ourselves! There are so many wonderful opportunities to “train up” these young people in our Drama Group, and we are so grateful that we will have more time to work with and teach them and any others who will join the group when we begin meeting again in August!

More time was just what I found myself wishing for, though, as the school year ended at SCS. I have felt such a burden on my heart for this class of seniors, and while my heart skipped a beat when they read Proverbs 22:6, I could not help but long for more time with them. I wish I could say that I knew each one has a strong and growing personal relationship with Christ and they “will not depart” from the path they have been shown, and some clearly do – their faith and testimonies are encouraging to have witnessed – but I cannot say it is true for all of them. I can only continue to pray for those I know are struggling and leave them in God’s hands now. I know they have heard how much He loves them, and I know He longs for each one to come to know Him as Lord and Savior even more than I long for that for them, and now I have to trust Him to complete His work in them.

Please pray with us for these groups of young people that God has brought into our lives – they are each special to us and we know God has a plan and purpose for each one!

Thank you for praying for and supporting us in our work here! We are blessed beyond measure!

Con el amor de Cristo (With the love of Christ),

Catherine and Amaury

Here are pictures from other areas of our ministry during the last two months:

We purchased our ministry van!! Thank you to all who helped us reach this goal!!

Graduation day for Amaury's most recent classes in the men's prison! These were for Business Principles for Principled Men and Self-Esteem/Self-Help.

Mother's Day service in Palo Alto (Mother's Day is the last Sunday of May here) - Amaury preached a beautiful sermon about his mom, using Proverbs 22:6!

1 comment:

Connie@MissionAlphabet said...

My first time to see your blog; loved it! Our Crestwood Baptist team is heading to DR Oct. 15th. Small but powerful team! I'm not going this year; maybe next October. Hope you get to say Hello to them. Chris P's daughter is a part of the team; you'll love her!