Hola, mis queridos hermanos! Me siento afortunado de escribir esta nota para ustedes! Este mes ha sido uno de lo más especiales por los acontecimientos que han pasados. Una de mis metas en el ministerio ya está hecha realidad! Ahora, usted se debe estar preguntando cual era esa meta. Hace aproximadamente seis meses que vengo impartiendo un curso analístico que tiene una duración de siete semanas en la prisión llamado “Corazón Quebrantado.” Este curso trabaja con el corazón de la persona y la importancia de perdonar.
Hello, my dear brothers and sisters! I feel fortunate to write this note to you! This month has been one of the most special because of the events that have happened. One of my ministry goals has been realized! Now, you may be wondering what that goal was. About six months ago, I began offering a seven week analytical course in the men’s prison called “Broken Heart.” This course is about the heart of the person and the importance of forgiveness.
Mi mayor deseo trabajando en la prisión era alcanzar una sola persona para Dios, y este curso me ayudo alcanzar esa meta. El 16 de marzo tuvimos el placer de bautizar dos personas en vez de una la gracia le doy a Dios. Le pido la oración por esa dos persona que han decidido quebrantar sus corazones a Dios. En esa misma clase 35 persona tuvieron el privilegio de graduarse y obtener sus certificados; nueve de ellos recibieron medallas por obtener los mejores puntajes, y lo más maravilloso fue que los que fueron bautizados obtuvieron el mayor porcentaje en toda la clase! De las 35 personas que estaban haciendo el curso, cuando hicimos el llamado que si alguno quería quebrantar su corazón a Dios, que si alguno quería entregar su vida a Cristo, el 90 % de ellos pasaron para que oraran por ellos!
También en el mes de marzo, 33 interno de la prisión se graduaron de Armonía Financiera en el Hogar, y 24 persona encargado de la prisión, 12 miembros de muestra Grupo de Drama, miembros de la iglesia cristiana de Villa Gonzales, y miembros de la iglesia cristiana de La Ciénaga recibieron el curso de Etiqueta y Protocolo,
Also in the month of March, 33 prisoners graduated from the Financial Harmony in the Home class, and 24 members of the prison staff, 12 members of our Drama Group, members of the Christian Church in Villa Gonzales, and members of the Christian Church in La Ciénaga all participated in Protocol and Etiquette classes.
I want you to know that God has opened doors in another prison here in the Dominican Republic to our teaching, and we have already begun to offer the Protocol and Etiquette class there to 24 people. This prison has a population of 596 prisoners and is one of the most modern in the country. It is located in the province of Moca, 40 minutes from Santiago. Please keep praying for us that God will touch lives in this place.
Thank you for your continued support for our ministry! We could not be here serving in the DR without the support, prayers, and encouragement of each and every one of you!
Dios te bendiga! God bless you!
With love in Christ,
Amaury and Catherine
Our Drama Group rehearsing for our next production - a musical called Everyone's Coming Home! We will be presenting this at the Cultural Center in Santiago on June 1!
Amaury and some of the young men in our group built the movable stage in these pictures so that we can rehearse at our house and have a stage to take with us when we travel to communities outside Santiago to present our productions. We will be presenting this one in two communities - Lajas de Yaroa on May 19, and Palo Alto on May 27!
Below are pictures on some of the members of our Drama Group visiting with elderly patients at a local nursing home. At least once a month we try to do an additional activity with our group, and this was this months activity! It was a fun afternoon of hearing stories about when Trujillo was the Dictator in the DR, playing dominoes, and sharing God's love with these wonderful people!
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